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Advocating for Students Year-Round and Anywhere in the USA

Special Education Advocate

Leah Sansone, M.Ed. | Special Education Advocate

Together we will secure the educational support your child needs

As your advocate I will:

Leah Sansone, M.Ed. is a special education and 504 expert

Over a decade of experience as a special education teacher, administrator, and advocate.

Special Education

Achieve appropriate educational support. Strengthen classroom accommodations. Create measurable goals. 

What people are saying:

Special Education Advocate

Leah Sansone
Owner and founder
Round Table Advocacy

Leah is a special education professional. She has over a decade of public school experience as a special education teacher and administrator. Leah helps students achieve appropriate educational placement, classroom accommodations, and measurable goals. She excels in special education and 504 advocacy. She will amplify your voice, advocating for your child in the education process. Want to read more about Leah? Visit her LinkedIn Profile by clicking on the photo.

Daunting, Sure.     Impossible, No.    Alone, Never.

First time down the special education or 504 path?