Compensatory Special Education

Compensatory Special Education Services

If your school district does not provide your child the special education services they are required to, you may be eligible for Compensatory Education Services.

What is Compensatory Education?

Compensatory education is extra education support needed for your child to make up for special education services that have been lost when service times in an IEP are not provided, or when a school fails to administer appropriate evaluations, resulting in delay of services to a student.

How are Compensatory Education Services Delivered?

Compensatory Education usually comes in the form of extra tutoring or related service outside of your child’s school day. The services are scheduled to make up for required services that were not provided previously. 

For example, a child’s IEP may require 30 minutes daily of special education reading services. If any amount of that service time was not provided by the school, it may be determined that the child should receive not only the required 30 minutes per day, but also additional time to account for the time missed. This extra time would be scheduled before or after school or on the weekends so that is does not disrupt or coincide with the student’s current school day. You are not required to accept compensatory time when offered. You may refuse with no consequence.

Final Thoughts

There are, of course, many nuances that go into decisions surrounding compensatory education. Having an Advocate who knows special education laws and regulations, can help support you through the process. 

If you have questions about Compensatory Special Education, or if you want to discuss your child’s situation in school, please get in touch with me. I offer a free initial consultation.

You can watch my video on compensatory services – CLICK HERE