Special Education Acronyms

3 Important Special Education Acronyms

There are so many acronyms used in special education. A parent needs an acronym dictionary just to follow along at meetings! Here I discuss 3 which are very significant.

Special Education & Acronyms

As if the world of special education isn’t confusing enough already, the heavy use of acronyms makes it even harder to understand. If you are in an IEP team meeting, or otherwise discussing your child’s needs, and acronyms you don’t understand are being thrown around… STOP, and ask for clarification! 

There are many acronyms used in special education – In this entry I discuss 3 which are very significant. You should understand the words these acronyms represent, the laws and regulations behind them, and why you should read and research the rights they prescribe for you and your child.

Special Education Acronyms #1 IDEA

IDEA stands for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. 

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is a piece of U.S. legislature. It is the nation’s federal special education law that ensures public schools serve the needs of children with disabilities. All public schools and their administration & teaching staff must follow the regulations as stated in IDEA. 

IDEA is a significant piece of reading, however, it is well laid out on-line, and is easy to search. Don’t let its length or language dissuade you from using it as a tool for gaining a better understanding of your child’s educational rights. 

You can access this document on-line, just click this link: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 

Special Education Acronyms #2 FAPE

FAPE stands for Free and Appropriate Public Education.

I discussed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), above. IDEA federal laws, regulations and guidelines all exist to ensure that every child receives a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).  

FAPE is mentioned often in IDEA. It is Subpart B, Section 300 where you will find information on eligibility, requirements in the provision of FAPE, how FAPE is administered, and much more.

Unfortunately you will find the introduction of a multitude of other acronyms in IDEA! However, the site is pretty good at ensuring they define the acronym before using it.

If you would like to better understand FAPE, walk through some of the information in Section 300 of IDEA. click here to access the section on FAPE: Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

Special Education Acronyms #3 IEP

IEP stands for Individualized Education Program (or Plan).  

We know that IDEA contains the laws and regulations that ensure a child receives FAPE. The IEP is the main tool that is used execute these concepts.

An IEP is a document that is developed for each individual child, by their IEP Team, of which you are a part. There are very specific guidelines that mandate what must be considered in creation of the IEP.

  • what is appropriate to expect of the child (strengths)
  • what progress is being made (present levels)
  • what goals, and accommodations or modifications the child needs to be successful
  • what services the child will receive including frequency and location (placement)

The IEP document must do all this INDIVIDUALLY for each child, as each child’s needs and abilities will differ. 

To read more about IEP’s click here: IEP development requirements

Final Advocate Comments

The special education world may seem like it runs on acronyms and that there are simply too many to ever keep track of. But, as a parent of a child with special needs, you will feel much more empowered in meetings if you work to learn what some of the key acronyms represent. IDEA, FAPE and IEP are just 3 key acronyms. 

Never be shy in a meeting about asking for explanation, or meaning surrounding an acronym!

I hope that you never have issues with securing all of the special education services your child requires to be successful in school. However, if you ever feel like you need support in team meetings, please give me a call at 919-510-3180. Or request a free initial consultation below.