Special Education Advocacy

Join me in the world of special education. Visit the Round Table Advocacy website home page.

Leah Sansone, a professional in special education advocacy.

Me, and my passion

Hello, I am Leah Sansone. I am a special education professional. I have over a decade of experience in special education and special education and 504 advocacy. My experience spans many public schools, and hundreds of special education and 504 situations; both as a special education teacher and administrator. My passion is helping others navigate special education.

Why blog about special education advocacy?

I blog to share my experience and knowledge. Special education and 504 law are difficult to understand. Unfortunately, this can put parents at a disadvantage. In other words, parents want to support their child, but can’t if they don’t have the right information.

Because blogging is flexible, it lets me share information in small, digestible bites. As a result, my blog can help parents better understand key topics and questions. For example, how do I know if my child should be receiving special education? What is an Individualized Education Program? Why do I feel lost and overwhelmed by this paperwork? How do I get my voice heard with my child’s Special Education Team?

Why listen to me?

For years, I have focused on special education advocacy. Because of this, my knowledge base is very deep. Let me share information surrounding appropriate educational placement, classroom accommodations, and the establishment of measurable goals. We can discuss how I have led the moderation and mediation of education team meetings. Would you like to understand your student’s rights and parental safeguards? I have a deep understanding of special education and 504 law. Therefore, I can help you translate confusing legal text.

I hope you will read and return to this blog. I want to be a part of your support structure. Someone you know is on your side. In other words, I am someone who is available for your questions and am ready to help you learn how to navigate through the special education and 504 processes.  

What else on my special education advocacy…

I offer a complementary initial consultation! My desire is to help as many people as I can. If you are having challenges making sure your child gets all special education services you feel they need, give me a call. Let talk about your child’s situation – click here, or in the link below to schedule!

Bring on the ideas!

If you have any ideas on topics you would like to have me address, I would love to hear them. Please leave me comments on this blog entry. I will aim my communications toward the information most meaningful and helpful to you.


Finally, you should know that school districts do provide resources. As an example, take a look at the Wake County Schools System’s website section on special education services (Link below). I look forward to discussing any questions that may develop as you dive into the world of special education