If You Have a Feeling - Take Action

I am sure I have made these same points in many different ways – but they are so important!

As a parent, advocating for your child’s education and well-being is crucial. If you believe that your child with special needs is not receiving all the services they require to be successful in school, there are several options available to you.

Special Education Services

Special Education Services

Feeling like your child would benefit from increased special education services, but not sure how to progress with your concerns?

Communicate With The School

The first step is to schedule a meeting with your child’s IEP team. Use this meeting to discuss your concerns. Clearly communicate your observations and provide any documentation or evidence that supports your feelings that increased services are important to your student’s success in school.

Request An Evaluation

If you feel that your concerns, stated within your IEP team discussions, are not being heard, you can request further special education evaluations or re-evaluations. These evaluations may help the team tp understand your child’s present levels (strengths and weaknesses) and to guide the determination for new or increased special education services. 

Seek Outside Support

The special education world can be confusing and frustrating. When it gets to this point, it can be helpful to seek advice and support from family, an advocacy organization, or parent support groups. Outside guidance in support of your rights as a parent, can help you navigate the system.

Final Advocate Comment

Remember, as a parent, you are your child’s best advocate. Trust your instincts, gather information, and don’t hesitate to take action if you believe that your child is not receiving the services they need to access their education. Your dedication and persistence can make a significant difference in your child’s educational journey.

If you would like to discuss your child’s situation, give me a call. I offer a free initial consultation.