
Tips For Parents

I have learned so much from parents and their children over my years in special education. Some of what I have picked up involves the student's outside-of-school life. So, I thought I would share...

Tip #1: Plan the day with your child

Allow your child to be involved in planning the day ahead. Let them have ideas, and make some of the planning decisions. Provide choices where it is difficult for them not to choose the “correct” response on their own. Give them time and space to adapt to and accept decisions they may not like or agree with.

Tip#2: Provide flexible structure for your student

Keep a family routine as much as possible. For some kids, structure means predictability… and predictability provides comfort. Follow the daily plan your child helped create – perhaps put it on the refrigerator – this can help your student feel in control. Within this structure, be flexible. Your student may have a hard day at school and may need a change to the schedule to feel secure and safe upon arriving home.

Tip #3: Take breaks!

Take breaks as often as necessary. This is emotionally healthy for both you and your child.

Tip #4: Do what they love

Any task is easier if it is interspersed with doing things we love to do. This is true for all of us! Get a deep understanding of what makes your child smile, laugh, respond, react…

Involve these actions or activities in your child’s everyday routine.

Tip #5: Communicate

Open communication with your child’s team, teachers, and other professionals means they understand, and can allow for, what is going on at home; and, that you can understand and allow for what is happening at school. 

Final advocate comments

Every action or reaction from your child is a behavior demonstrating a need. We are all going to have good and bad days. For a child with special needs, their daily environments can have profound impacts on their needs, and hence behaviors. If you are struggling with your student when they arrive home from school, they might also be having challenges in school. 

Follow your instincts and give me a call for a free consultation to discuss how your child’s needs are being met in their school environment.